...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...



Blood farms: associations do not give up


We call on the European Commission to stop the production, import and use of PMSG in the EU: this is the request of 20 organisations from various countries (including IHP representing Italy) to say enough is enough to a market of suffering and death unmasked by various investigations, the last one in Iceland.



VIDEO: blood farms in Iceland

VIDEO: the Syntex blood farm in Argentina

VIDEO: blood farms in South America


PETITION to the Italian Ministry of Health: No to Fixplan in Italy

PETITION to the EU Parliament: stop blood farms




Blood farms: ONG write to the European Commissioner (December 2021)


European Parliament calls for ban the production and import of PMSG (November 2021)


Iceland investigation: drugs produced by torturing pregnant mares (November 2021)


European Parliament moves on horse meat imports and blood farms (September 2021)


4 MEPs ask the minister not to authorise Fixplan, which comes from torturing horses (June 2021)


More than 25000 signatures against the drug produced by torturing horses (April 2021)


Fixplan - the case of the drug produced by the torture of pregnant mares lands in Italian Parliament (April 2021)


IHP to the ministry of Health: block the authorization of the drug produced by the torture of mares (March 2021)


Justice investigates the extraction of blood from pregnant mares (March 2021)


The blood farms: a macabre business revealed by an investigation (February 2017)