...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...



NOPALIO, the collection of signatures continues


(5th April 2012)

The NOPALIO campaign, started by IHP to ask the ban of the use of animals in palii and folkloristic events, continues, and the collection of signatures has been prolonged until June the 30th.

The initiative has seen the adhesion of several Italian and foreign associations (see list) that in the next weeks will be called to join their voices to ask for the end of an anachronistic exploitation, so far protected by the State against any logic. In fact, the law 189 of 2004 against the animals’ mistreatment, is not applied “to the historical and cultural events organized by the competent Region”. This is an unacceptable exception, as the facts demonstrate the local administrations are very interested in the business generated by these events and much less in the animals’ wellbeing.

The greatest part of the Italian citizens and foreign tourists love the historical events in our country, as long as animals aren’t exploited or killed: add your signature to support this initiative and make Italy show only its best side.

Click here to sign the online petition
Click here to download the paper form