Blood farms in Iceland: 17 animal welfare organisations, including IHP representing Italy, have lodged a formal complaint with the supervisory authority of the EFTA (European Free Trade Association), which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The complaint describes all the violations of the laws in force in the European Economic Area, committed in a state that prides itself on protecting horses while secretly torturing them.
In November 2021, an investigation by the Animal Welfare Foundation and Tierschutzbund Zürich revealed the cruel conditions on Icelandic blood farms, where large quantities of blood are systematically taken from pregnant mares to extract the hormone equine serum gonadotropin (PMSG). This hormone is used to produce drugs used in intensive pig and cattle farms to increase the fertility of females.
The 17 organisations denounce: the practice of taking blood from pregnant mares for the production of PMSG should be banned by the Icelandic authorities, as it does not comply with the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement) principle on which the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes is based. This barbarism must be abolished immediately.
Blood farms: ONG write to the European Commissioner (December 2021)
Iceland investigation: drugs produced by torturing pregnant mares
PMSG campaign: stop to blood farms of pregnant mares
PETITION: No to Fixplan produced by torturing pregnant mares
Import of horsemeat and blood farms: something is moving in the European Parliament
IHP is an independent association dedicated to the welfare of all equids. We combat abuse and ill-treatment, and work towards gaining both legislative and cultural changes that can lead to the recognition of the rights of horses. We also run factually based awareness raising campaigns. We rescue equids that have been legally seized by the Authorities on grounds of mistreatment, which we then host at our dedicated Rescue Centre. We do not receive any public funding, nor are we reimbursed by the Public Prosecution Offices for the custody of the horses handed over to us. Please support us