Grifo was born in June 2018. His mum had been legally seized not long before his birth, saved from the hands of a pseudo ‘breeder’, in Lunghezza, Province of Rome. Just a couple of days after his birth, it was discovered that he had been born with a grave eye infection, a fungal and bacterial keratitis in both eyes. This, unfortunately, was incurable, even though he had been rushed to a clinic as soon as it was discovered. Management of a blind foal is a very difficult and specialist undertaking, and to make sure Grifo was not simply euthanised because of this, IHP decided to take on the adventure of caring for both mother and foal. The results have been astonishing: Grifo has grown up with his other senses so developed that he has no trouble moving around even in very large spaces, thanks to the constant presence of his mum and his new friends Nina and Garrapata. Read the article about him here