...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...



IHP to host a Master’s Course in Equine Behavior


(15th November 2011)

The University of Pisa, Department of Physiological Sciences, is organizing a first-level Master’s Course in Equine Behaviour, to be held from January 2012 to May 2013.

A number of theoretical and practical lessons will be taught at the Italian Horse Protection’s sanctuary for mistreated horses in Montaione (FI) by Professor Paolo Baragli from the University of Pisa’s Etovet research group, and Konstanze Krueger, from the University of Regensburg, Germany, considered a leading expert in equine herd psychology.

Our association is honored to offer its premises for this Master’s Course, whose objective is to increase the physical and psychological well-being of horses, taking into account their ethological and emotional daily needs, which will be taught by international experts in this field.
We are convinced that this Master’s Course represents a major step forward, as equines will be treated more as companions than as mere objects.

Even those not enrolled in the course can attend individual lessons taught at IHP. Enrollment procedures will be communicated by the University of Pisa in due time.

For further information, see the Master’s Course poster and program.
Click here to see the poster
Click here to read the program