“Thank you, Sabrina Giannini, for including us in this investigation”, said IHP President, Sonny Richichi.
Prime time RAI 3 on Thursday evening sees Sabrina Giannini’s “Indovina chi viene a cena/Guess who’s coming to dinner”, starting the new documentary season with a look at the production process of the hormone PMSG (Pregnant Mare’s Serum Gonadotropin, now called Equine chorionic gonadotropine). This is a hormone found in drugs (e.g. Fixplan) used in intensive meat farming. PMSG is obtained by torturing pregnant mares, who suffer atrociously for the production of a drug destined to be used on other animals, who in their turn suffer equally.
IHP has been speaking out against the cruelty of this process for years, acting as part of an international web of Associations demanding that PMSG-based drugs be banned in Europe.
“We have circulated undercover videos documenting the horrors to which the pregnant mares are subjected to obtain PMSG, filmed in various countries throughout the world, from Argentina to Iceland; we set up a petition which gathered over 25,000 signatures in just a few hours, demanding a ban on Fixplan in Italy; we have written to the Italian Ministry of Health and the European authorities, proposing a ban on the sale of these drugs, and interviewed cross-party parliamentary representatives”, states Sonny Richichi.
“Today we are deeply grateful to Sabrina Giannini and RAI for including IHP in their transmission, and for having taken the decision to condemn this horrific practice publicly, through their Prime Time TV documentary. An exceptional opportunity to reach a very wide audience and raise awareness of one of IHP’s principle campaigns. We hope to prick the consciences of those in a position to act and ban the production of these drugs in Italy, and prohibit their production and sale across Europe.”
Watch the 27/4/23 episode of “Indovina chi viene a cena”.
Further news about “Blood farms”.