...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...



Luna and Stella, inseparable friends, need your help


Luna and Stella, inseparable friends, need your help. Stella is totally blind and Luna is her constant ’seeing eye’ companion. Unfortunately, Luna’s degenerative tendon disease is steadily worsening and she currently has to be kept in the confines of the infirmary, because she can no longer cope with the mud and wet of a paddock. So we are faced with a second problem - we don’t want to oblige Stella to be shut in a stable all the time. But if we separate them,

Luna would be alone in her stable and Stella would be without her "eyes". We could look for another guide horse, but this is obviously no simple or speedy matter. So, with the welfare of both horses in mind, we plan to construct a covered paddock within the large paddock where Stella and Luna were living up to just a few days ago. This means that we can preserve the close bond between the two mares, it will enable Luna to live outside without causing further deterioration in her condition, and Stella will still have her guide and friend Luna with her. To do this, we need to buy a tensostructure with rubber flooring. As ever, we rely on your generous support. Even the most modest donation makes a vital difference.


Thank you