The four horses roaming in the Tarquinia area have been shot, according to several sources with direct knowledge of the incident. Since yesterday, IHP, LAV, and ENPA have been trying repeatedly and unsuccessfully to contact local authorities (the Municipality of Tarquinia, municipal police, health authority, and the carabinieri) for official information, which is necessary given the extreme seriousness of the situation.
This is an extraordinarily serious matter, not only because of the way it was handled but also because of the timing: the ordinance was issued on 27 March, and the very next day, Thursday 28, the horses were killed. The ordinance stated that the horses had been wandering for days, but no request for help was issued by the Municipality, nor was any association contacted. They simply moved from the ordinance to action in an extremely short time. They decided to shoot the horses before contacting associations that would have certainly found a solution to resolve the situation in a civil and non-violent way.
Given that these were four stray horses, there were certainly no grounds for such a severe measure, as it would have been possible to organise, with associations and competent professionals, an intervention to contain and secure the animals.
LAV, ENPA, and IHP will file a complaint against those identified as responsible for what appears to be the unlawful shooting of animals.
(archive photo)
VIDEO IHP: 4 horses shot in Tarquinia by order of the mayor, a disgraceful act