The restrictive measures adopted by the Italian Government at this stage of the Covid-19 pandemic also provide for the prohibition of trade fairs and non-professional sports competitions. So here it is that Fieracavalli (scheduled in Verona from the 5th to the 8th and from the 13th to the 15th November) has been cancelled and with it the show jumping competitions at all levels that were scheduled during the fair, including some pony races and other side competitions. Also cancelled in other cities in the same period, the School Essay and the School Championship (equestrian competitions reserved for young people) and the Regional Endurance Cup. In a period of new alarm for the spread of the pandemic and of increasing unease for the measures taken by the Governments, surely there is someone happy about these cancellations. The horses would much prefer to avoid such exhausting journeys, days of chaos and imprisonment in boxes, tugging at the mouth and competitions which they certainly don’t care about. On the other hand however, our apprehension manifested during the lockdown at the beginning of the year (which we hope will not be repeated) is that the stop of the races and demonstrations may induce some people to get rid of their horses. As we well know, it is a world in which there are responsible owners and there are unfortunately also those for whom the horse is only a tool. We will be vigilant as much as possible, inviting everyone to report any such cases.