...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...



#IOSTOCONCINSZKA – The fight to save Csinszka rages on


(17 March 2016)

Petition and mail bombing of the Hungarian authorities to try to save Csinszka and all the other EIA-positive horses from unjustifiable slaughter. The Associations will, if necessary, lodge formal complaints against the Authorities involved.

ENPA, the Lega Nazionale per la Difesa del Cane, Italian Horse Protection and Project Islander continue their fight to save Csinszka, the Hungarian mare condemned to death by the laws of her own country, because she tested EIA (Equine Infectious Anaemia) positive.

The Associations have appealed to all relevant authorities: the Italian Ministry of Health in the persons of Minister Lorenzin, Undersecretary De Filippo, and General Director of animal health Silvio Borrello, the Hon Giuffirda – Vice President of the Animal Welfare Groups at the European Parliament; the Hungarian Ambassador to Italy, and the local and national authorities in Hungary. All these have, to date, either replied with a totally inexplicable refusal to save the horse and to take her to the authorised centre at IHP, specialists in the management of EIA-positive horses, or they have remained deafeningly silent. The Associations are consulting with their legal advisors regarding the option of lodging legal complaints against the authorities and institutions approached.

At present Csinszka is living on borrowed time, since the Hungarian authorities have not suspended the order for her slaughter, which could be carried out at any moment. The Associations have therefore launched a petition and a mail bombing campaign directed at the Hungarian authorities, with the aim of making them backtrack on their decision, so saving Csinszka and all the other EIA-positive-testing animals.

The most recent scientific studies have proved that EIA is a controllable disease and that in fact horses testing positive to EIA offer no serious threat of contagion or infection in other animals, including humans. Thus killing these animals is both senseless and inhumane.

Csinszka now needs all those who both love animals and who want to see animal rights protected. Please make your voice heard by the authorities and support our efforts to save Csinszka and all the other horses under threat of senseless slaughter.


Mail bombing: write to the Hungarian Authorities

CSINSKA - Italian associations’ press release

IHP - Dossier EIA

IHP - VIDEO EIA (with English subtitles)

IHP - Resuming about EIA