In the autumn of 2019 an apparently ownerless, rather beautiful horse was found just wandering about on dangerous roads in Querceto, a town in the Comune di Montecatini Val di Cecina. Excellent teamwork by IHP, Gavol, Polizia Municipale and a few members of the public got him taken to a safe area, and in the meantime, investigations led to identifying the horse as having been left abandoned for years on a property owned by a failed business. His two donkey companions were found dead. Egidio (baptised thus by the volunteers involved in the case) was given food and water, tranquillised and registered with an ID: ready for his new life. Through our selection procedure he was assigned to his forever home. After a period of rehabilitation work to reintroduce him to contact with human beings (for he had basically become wild again) he today enjoys a life in sunny pastures, petted by his adoptive family or with his nose stuck in a huge pile of hay, his great dark eyes looking out over the top.