...my treasures do not sparkle they clink,
they shine in the sun and neigh in the night...




Panda is an orphaned horse, born in a very special context of great suffering for many of his kind: the famous Colleferro seizure in 2013 that involved over 200 horses, donkeys, mules and hinnies mistreated by a pseudo-breeder. Among them was Panda's mother who, like other females, was in an advanced state of pregnancy. While waiting to find accommodation for her, we took her to a safe place to receive initial care and almost immediately she gave birth to her foal. Unfortunately, however, she died only two days later due to post-natal complications. We found a vet who lived not far from there and who was able to look after the baby during the first delicate period when it had to be bottle-fed. At birth, he had a dark coat and two white circles around his eyes: so we named him Panda! At 7 months, having started weaning, we took him to the rescue centre, where he found a group of his peers with whom he grew up free. But trouble did not entirely abandon him: a few years ago, as a result of uveitis and despite treatment, Panda went blind. This handicap has not changed his life habits thanks to the group of friends who guide him. In addition, in summer he suffers from an annoying dermatitis that we only keep at bay with daily treatments. He is happy and that is the most important thing.