As announced, yesterday morning we took Gin Tonic to the clinic in Perugia for a check-up, and yesterday afternoon she returned to the Rescue Centre.
The doctors of the veterinary hospital examined her after about 20 days from the first operation: the eye still has keratitis symptoms, although it is considerably better than it was weeks ago, when it showed stromal abscess and corneal necrosis.
Unfortunately, the adhesions between the iris and cornea persist, keeping the pupil fully closed and preventing vision.
A fibrinolytic has been administered to try to remove the adhesions, and we will continue to give her eye drops over the next few days.
Unfortunately, there's not much hope, but we're trying. In the next 7-10 days we will know for sure if she will be able to see again.
We wish to thank those who help us, even with a small donation, as neither the State nor the Public Prosecutor's Office provide maintenance and care for her, even though she was seized by Judicial Authorities on grounds of mistreatment.
Related articles and videos:
Gin Tonic arrives at IHP centre: aim, save her sight
Tens of horses abused in Rome: video 2013
Tens of horses abused in Rome: video 2018
The story of Grifo (VIDEO 1)
The story of Grifo (VIDEO 2)